Help with renewing your membership or joining Bronte SLSC

This page is best viewed on a laptop or desktop.

For assistance with the SLS Members Area, please refer to the SLSA Members Area User Guide (online version)
Note - we recommend utilising the online version of the User Guide where possible to ensure you are accessing the most current version

Check out our detailed Bronte specific step-by-step guides below for assistance with joining or renewing your membership with Bronte SLSC:

Family Groups (Nippers)

Renewing your Family Group Membership
New Nipper Family - Joining Bronte SLSC
Adding a new member to your Family Group
Transferring your membership to Bronte SLSC


Renewing your individual membership
Transferring your membership to Bronte SLSC

For ongoing system related issues (including difficulty accessing your SLS Members Area account), please contact the SLSA IT Support & Helpdesk:

Helpdesk Hours
Monday to Friday - 9.00am to 6.00pm (AEST)

Contact Support
Log a support ticket at
Call the IT Helpdesk: 1300 724 006

For Nipper specific queries, please contact

For all other membership queries, please contact: