Patrol Roster
The 2024/25 Patrol Roster is now available:
Patrol Swaps
This season, Bronte SLSC will be using the Patrol Swap functionality accessed via your SLSA Members Area account.
Patrol Swap Process
To arrange a substitute for a patrol you are unable to attend, please follows these steps:
- Let your PC know what date you are unable to attend and that you are looking for a substitute
- Log into your SLSA Members Area account and raise a substitution request. Instructions on how to do this are outlined below.
- Post a message on the 'Bronte Patrol Swap' chat outlining the date, time and patrol team number of the patrol you would like a substitute for.
- If you are able to agree a 'swap' with another patroller, log into your SLSA Members Area account and accept the substitution request raised by the other patroller. Instructions on how to do this are below.
- If you aren't able to agree a 'swap' with another patroller, you are still expected to accept a substitution request for someone else (following the same steps below). Please accept the earliest date possible as these are the hardest to fill.
- Advise your PC who your substitute is (if you have been able to secure one).
If you have followed all of the steps above and are still unable to secure a substitute, you will be marked as 'Not rostered/excused' on the patrol log. If you haven't followed the steps above, you may be marked as a 'No show'.
We appreciate everyone giving the new process a go. If everyone follows it, we will get all substitution requests covered!
Raising a substitution request:
To request a substitute for a patrol you are unable to attend:
- Log into your SLSA Members Area account
- On the Home screen, click on 'VIEW FULL ROSTER' under 'Upcoming Patrols' (the tile in the top right corner of the Home screen)
- Find the date of the patrol you are unable to attend and click 'I need a substitute'
- A pop-up will appear asking if you want to request a substitution for that patrol. Click 'Ok'
Your substitution request will now be available for other patrolling members to select. You are able to raise a substitution request up to 5 days prior to the patrol. However, the sooner you raise the request, the more likely it is that someone will accept the request. Requests will expire 3 days prior to the patrol.
Accepting a substitution request
To accept a substitution request:
- Select 'Patrol Swap' from the drop-down menu under 'Patrol'
- Find the patrol that you have agreed you will cover, or one you are able to attend and click 'I can do this'
- The substitution request will then be processed and both members will receive an automated confirmation email
REMEMBER - if you request a substitution for one of your patrols, you are expected to accept a substitution request for someone else.
More detailed instructions can be found in the online SLSA Members Area User Guide.