Latest News on Bronte SLSC New Building
Thursday, March 5, 2020
I am pleased to inform members and friends that Waverley Council on Tuesday evening unanimously voted to adopt a design for further development of our New Club.
It is known as ‘Option 4’ and if you click onto the below Link, you will see the background documentation and all the options that were presented to council (Please note Pages 80 to 128 are the pages that relate to Bronte SLSC New Build)
'Option 4' separates most of the Waverley council facilities (including office & storage) in an area near the pumphouse whilst the club’s facilities including the lifeguard tower and their storage & equipment will be incorporated into our building. The appointed architects, Chrofi are in the process of developing the design with a review to reporting back to council. At that stage, subject to any further amendments, the concept will involve community consultation at which time the Board of Management will be able to brief the membership.
Tuesday night was another important step forward on this journey.
Thank you for everyone’s continued support.
Basil ScaffidiPresident